Lenten Kindness Campaign

April 5

Our Lenten Kindness Campaign is over, but you can bring it with you the rest of the year. Remember the kindness others have shown you, and keep an eye out for times when you can extend kindness to others.

April 3

Paint rocks with kind thoughts and place them where others can find with Eloise & Jojo's family!


April 2

Pastor Danny shares one of the most difficult acts of kindness: forgive someone.

April 1

Join Cathy and Mr. Steve in a prayer for our pastors, teachers, and leaders as today's act of kindness.

March 31

Brent introduces one of our last acts of kindness: donate to the Red Cross.


March 30

George shares how his music teachers influenced him, and how we can show appreciation for the important people in our lives by writing a small note.

March 29

Sarah introduces our act of kindness today: write a note to your sibling or friend.

March 27

As the weather entices you to your favorite walking paths, leave it better than you found it and pick up litter as you stroll!


March 26

George cleverly and compassionately introduces our act of kindness today: talk with someone who needs it.

March 25

Join Larry and leave a jar of pennies by a fountain! You can find a pre-made jar label in our Forms Repository in the “About Us” section on our menu

March 24

Help someone who's struggling: offer to help them carry their load.


March 23

Cathy explains our act of kindness today: bring positivity to the internet, one comment at a time.

March 22

Join Brent outside for our act of kindness today: plant something!

March 20

We've all got a shirt we don't like anymore, or pants that don't fit. Take a minute today and prepare a bag with Cathy to donate.


March 19

Think of a book...now, the first book that popped into your head? Tell someone about it!

March 18

It's not just strangers who need kindness from us.

March 17

George's act of kindness speaks for itself: treating yourself to something? Treat someone else while you're at it!


March 16

Coming soon…

March 15

Melanie introduces our act of kindness for today with a story of how her kindness act took an unexpected and thoughtful turn.

march 13

You've heard it before, you'll hear it again: be kind to yourself today.


March 12

Isn't it a treat to check the mail and have a letter? Today, brighten your mail carrier's day by leaving a little something for them in return.

March 11

Join Pastor Danny in donating to a cause you believe in such as St. John's current mission to Feed 5000 with the Community Assistance Center.

March 10

Perhaps the easiest act of kindness yet, pull out your phone and text someone!


March 9

Join Nancy and share a meal with a friend or neighbor in need.

March 8

Your act of kindness today is to donate items to a shelter.

March 6

Practice courtesy: let someone merge in front of you.


March 5

Brighten someone's day today by bringing them flowers.

March 4

Make someone’s day, pay them a compliment!

March 3

Today, give someone a gift - anonymously.


Mar. 2

Feed the birds, tuppence a bag... well these days bird seed is a little more than tuppence, but they'd also appreciate crumbs from stale bread, crackers, or an overzealously seasoned sesame bagel.

Mar. 1

The act of kindness Brent gives us today is just as kind to yourself as to the other person. Give a friend a call!

Feb. 27

Brent brings us along on his mission to show kindness through tipping. Now it’s your turn!


Feb. 26

Today, tell someone you love them. It’s as simple as that.

Feb. 25

Tiffany introduces our delicious act of kindness today.

Feb. 24

Take advantage of the mild weather and stretch your legs...and while you're out, extend welcome to a stranger.


Feb. 23

Out and about? Consider this small act of kindness, which can also sometimes be an act of grace.

Feb. 22

Today, say a prayer for someone you love or someone you just met.

February 20

On our fourth day of love in action, join Carol and make a donation to a local food pantry.


February 19

Your mission today is to send a card or handwritten note to a friend or loved one.

February 18

Susan introduces our second act of kindness: donating to an animal shelter.

February 17

Brent introduces the Kindness Campaign—St. John's Lenten mission—and introduces today's act of kindness with a surprise guest!