On Ash Wednesday, February 17, from 12–2 PM and 4–5 PM St. John will be open for the community for individual prayer and performance of the imposition of ashes in a socially distanced manner.
There is no liturgy or service, but congregants are invited to come to the sanctuary as you are willing and able to administer the ashes and take a moment for quiet prayer. This is meant to be an unprogrammed time for reflection. The following procedures will be in place to keep social distance:
Please enter the church through the breezeway door next to the narthex. An usher will be there to direct you if you have any questions.
Everyone who enters the church must wear a mask for the duration of your visit. Hand sanitizer and extra masks will be provided by the door.
Maintain social distance of at least 6 feet at all times while on church grounds.
In the sanctuary, you may take a Q-tip for self-imposition of ashes. There will be a bin to dispose of used Q-tips.
If you choose to kneel at the altar or sit in the pews in prayer, maintain distance of at least 6 feet from other individuals.